Sligo Bay: "The white breast of the dim sea" (Yeats)

Lough Gill, County Sligo: "I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree" (Yeats)

Ben Bulben viewed from near Drumcliff, County Sligo: "Under bare Ben Bulben's head" (Yeats)

Drumcliff River, County Sligo: "In a field by the river/ My love and I did stand." (Yeats)

Glen-car waterfall, County Leitrim: "Where the wandering water gushes/From the hills above Glen-car" (Yeats)

Lissadell House, County Sligo: "... that old Georgian mansion" (Yeats)

the drawing room, Lissadell: "...great windows open to the South" (Yeats)

Lissadell, the walled garden: "Down by the Salley Gardens, my love and I did meet." (Yeats)

Flaggy Shore, County Clare: "And some time make the time to drive out west/Into County Clare, along the Flaggy Shore..." (Heaney,Postscript)

Tidal pool on the Flaggy Shore

Thoor Ballylee, County Galway: Mrs Yeats' "fishing" window

Thoor Ballylee, looking down from the battlements: "I pace upon the battlements and stare..." (Yeats)

Thoor Ballylee, the Streamstown River: "To leave this place is to leave beauty behind." (Yeats)

Barrow Bay, County Clare: "...the rook delighting heaven" (Yeats)

"Unwearied still, lover by lover,/They paddle". (Yeats, from The Wild Swans at Coole)

Coole Park, County Galway: "When nettles wave upon a shapeless mound/And saplings root among the broken stone..." (Yeats)

Coole Park: "Dry timber under that rich foliage." (Yeats)

The lake at Coole Park: "What's water but the generated soul?" (Yeats)